After last week’s notes, there was a question of how do we know, when not at the same level of consciousness, that which one is on a higher level?
Let’s explore this a little.
The preconception of the question points to one being right and the other being wrong. Assuming the higher level is right and should be followed.
Sounds logical, doesn’t it?
But that’s not true.
In reality, it doesn’t matter.
The only thing that matters is whether there’s a match or not. Whether the parties involved are consciously working on it or not.
Because if you’re not, that affects your ability to speak your truth. And leads to a restricted and coerced way of relating, as conformity and control enter into the picture.
By now, we all know nothing good comes out of that.
For when you’re not speaking your truth, for one reason or another, it erodes your sense of self.
Your sense of safety and security.
Your sense of success and satisfaction.
Your self-respect and respect of others.
And falsely leads you to seek those exact things from the external. Which can never deliver them.
The more you seek from the external, the more you lose what you’re seeking.
Tragic, isn’t it?
Well, if you’re not conscious of this, the experiences become denser and denser to illuminate and show clearly what does not serve you or others anymore.
Because speaking your truth is always for the higher good of all concerned.
While speaking your truth might not be easy, and may feel uncomfortable at first, it always leads to personal growth and expansion (both often involving some level of pain and uncomfort). And thus serves the higher good of all.
For growth and expansion mean deeper understanding, deeper awareness, new discoveries, higher levels of consciousness – those light bulb moments of suddenly seeing clearly.
And in that rising of one, others have the opportunity to rise too.
Serving the higher good of all.
Yet, you must know the difference between speaking your truth and speaking your mind. They’re not the same, as the mind is not the truth.
Always locate the truth, freed from the mind, before speaking it.
The mind may want to judge or criticise. To point how the other is at fault. To name, blame or shame. To avoid or outsource the ownership and responsibility.
Truth never does that.
Truth always stands in full ownership and responsibility.
Of the experience.
Of the sensations.
Of what you see, hear, and feel.
Of your reactions and responses.
Beyond your mind is the truth – freed from the perceptions of past experiences and any labels you’ve given them.
Only there and then can you truly see clearly.
Anything that has happened to you cannot change the essence of you. The spirit in you.
And there lies your truth.
In connection to the essence, to the spirit of you. And to the infinite spirit.
Speaking that truth is what we all ought to seek. In every moment.
For it’s there, already within you, what you have been looking for all along.
The sense of self.
The sense of safety and security.
The sense of success and satisfaction.
The honour and respect.
The compassion and the care.
The appreciation.
Unleashed at the speaking of your truth.
The question is, would you like to experience this level of wholeness and fulfilment both in life and leadership?
Because that option is available for everyone. Regardless of the current level of consciousness.
With my all,