From chasing to embracing: My journey of finding harmony in life’s true callings

I probably haven’t said it out loud here before that I’m a person who believes in a higher power than ourselves, in living in alignment with that power and in receiving messages from that higher power.

Although it’s probably obvious to you, if you’ve been regularly reading my notes. 

My experience is that sometimes you just get this feeling that you know something, or that you’re guided, or get straight and clear messages, and that there’s no way for you to explain how you know what you know. And that you know. Or how you know that you’re being divinely guided at that moment. 

You just know it. Deep down. In your gut area.

And then, when you follow that knowing, it turns out to be true and exactly how things are. 

I don’t think this to be some sort of fortune telling though. 

I do think that there is something so much bigger than just us, a higher intelligence, deeper wisdom, that we so often forget about in the hurdles of our everyday life. Yet it’s still present. 

And what I mean by this higher intelligence and deeper wisdom is for example the wisdom that is within us and turns an embryo into a baby. And is in nature, too, turning an acorn into an oak tree

It’s a miracle that takes place in that process and we often appreciate it when we have or see newborn babies. But forget to appreciate it as we grow up. 

Yet still, that same wisdom, the same miracle, runs through our veins and is part of our lives everyday. 

However, that wisdom isn’t from us

It’s of us. Part of us. But not from us. 

It’s not something we can consciously create, as it’s not our creation. But it’s something that we can consciously co-create with. 

Also, it’s not something we can govern with our conscious mind, it’s something that operates in us through our intelligence centre (which lately has even scientifically proven to be this highway between heart and brain, not brain alone). This unconscious part of us that we still know so little about to date. 

Incorporating this higher intelligence, deeper wisdom as part of our everyday lives is one of my passions and part of my mission, and I wonder what the world would look like if we all did that.

Not only where and when it’s convenient to us, but also when it seems to be the most inconvenient thing in our lives.

You already know some of my own journey in finding harmony in my own life during the past year, and I open a bit more about it in the newest episode of The Insights Within Podcast (episode #30).

Of how it’s not always convenient, yet still something that is required of us. And how scary it might at times feel.

But then there are these magical moments that you get to be part of, too.

Like this week.

I had the privilege to facilitate a beautiful agreement between two amazing women – a spiritual wonder woman (in my opinion) and a loving angel investor. They found each other earlier this autumn through me and now this angel investor enables the next new build-up of this spiritual entrepreneur’s program.

It’s truly beyond humbling to witness how the co-operative parts of the universe come together when there’s a genuine match in the level of consciousness.

Such a beautiful and effortless process and experience!

Do you believe in a higher power?
If yes, how do you incorporate it as part of your daily life?
Would you be willing to make even more room for it?

With my all,