Going beyond happiness

Over a year ago, as I was having a conversation with my friend, she suddenly said that there’s a message coming through to me.

A divine intervention, I call it.

Imagine a scene where a lot of balls are thrown into the air. They’re flying everywhere. And then people below, who are trying to jump and catch them.

Well, I was urged to stop doing that. Immediately.

Stop trying to chase after something that wasn’t meant for you. Stop trying to make something work that wasn’t meant for you.

Have you ever done that?

Hold on to something you deep within knew wasn’t meant for you?

I have. 
Several times.

And every time it has lead to unnecessary suffering and struggling. Not only for me, but for everyone concerned. All because I’ve wanted to please the others involved, even when it was against my own inner wisdom.

Had I just been honest and simply said:
Thank you, but no thank you.

Why is it so hard sometimes?

I’m sure countless of books could be written on answering that question. We all have our own mind created reasons for that. Ones that always deviate from the actual truth to some degree.

Anyway, back to the divine intervention.

I was told that what is meant for me is given to me. Presented without a struggle or chase.

And that I would recognise it by the harmony and balance it brings with it. The very energies of deep creation.

I was clearly shown how it feels.

I don’t know what you would’ve done, but turns out, in hindsight, that I spent the first about seven months fighting so hard against this.

Stubbornly choosing people, events and circumstances that did not align with the harmony and balance that was shown to me.

I’m sure you know as well as I do that it led yet again to a path of unnecessary suffer and struggle.

But I’m happy to let you know that I’m slowly learning. Ha!

And have made some bold moves as a result during the past five months or so.

Ones that have shaken my whole world and costed me a lot in terms of time, money and relationships.

But now I’m standing on my own two feet. (Despite knees knocking.)

And it’s time to go beyond happiness.

Much love,