What are the feelings you’re missing in your life and why are they important?

If life, and the 10 years of coaching established soul-driven entrepreneurs, has taught anything, it’s this.

It’s not the things you want. It’s the EMOTIONS.

To succeed sustainably, without sacrificing your health and relationships, you first need to heal your vision.

Healed vision is the starting point for bridging the gap from your past conditioning to what’s actually possible for you in the present moment. And in the future.

It’s part of the work I do with my clients who want to continue to grow their business, and at the same time, have more freedom to enjoy their success sustainably (without losing everything else important in their lives).

If you’re missing a healed vision, it usually leads to striving for all the wrong things in life. In ways that cost you in the currency of health and relationships.

One step in healing your vision is to magnify it as emotions. It might be easier to think about it in terms of your dreams and goals.

It’s been a secret sauce to many of my clients in making their dreams and goals happen. (Side note – it’s also been a source of a lot of frustration when ignored in goal setting!)

As important as it is to be clear on what you want, in regards to your life vision, your dreams and goals, it’s even more important to recognise the driving forces behind them. Otherwise, it just doesn’t work.

We only ever dream about, or want something, because we believe that we would feel better in the having of it. Whatever that ”it” may be for you.

To give you an idea, clients who’ve done this with me, went on to triple their sales in a year, bridge a €100k gap in sales in a week, and secure a successful funding round in less than a month.

Is this something you’d be interested in?

If yes, when you’re ready, book a call by clicking here and let’s have a conversation.

Much love,