As part of the Happiness PracticeTM (THP) Facilitator certification process, I’m leading my own practice cohort and this week we got to celebrate the mid-point shifts!!
Burnout was down by 19% and happiness up 13%!! Woop, woop!!
THP is an evidence-based, transformative and sustainable practice to mitigate and prevent burnout while increasing happiness and it’s by-products: innovation, resilience and sustainability.
It’s a journey in which participants learn and practice The 5 Principles of HappinessTM and use the Return on HappinessTM measurement system to assess and review their personal progress and results.
The results are compounding, as you notice. And they’re also tracked and reported at group/team and organizational level, too.
Imagine what improved physical, behavioral and mental wellbeing as well as increased performance on all levels would mean in your life? In your team? In your business?
Those are the results we were celebrating this week with my cohort <3
We’re planning on running a group for female entrepreneurs. It’s a six-month journey with 12×45-minute meetings taking place every other week. You’d be part of a 10-12 people group (sharing and supporting each other in the community is a significant part of the journey’s success).
The results you can expect with THP are:
- reduced chronic stress and burnout
- improved wellbeing
- increased happiness
- enhanced morale and culture
- increased performance
Get in contact if you’d like to hear more about this opportunity or you’d like your team / organization to engage in THP.
Much love,