How to go from overwhelm to confidence?

It’s hard to imagine, that the first six month’s of 2022 are already here! And for many of us, they have not exactly been what we imagined them to be. A lot of external circumstances have challenged us.

As our attention is daily drawn into many problematic situations around the world, it’s so easy to get stuck in ruminating about the past and worrying about the future, feeling overwhelmed and anxious.

Often in these situation, we give most of our attention, if not all of it, to things and matters that are quite not ok in life. When you do this long enough, it’s easy to make such generalizations as ‘nothing is working out‘ or ‘life’s hard‘.

Yet, at the same time as your attention is drawn to things that don’t work, in reality, there are many, if not more, things that actually do work out for you already.

It’s just a matter of noticing them.

To shift the focus back on what is already working out, it is helpful to consider all areas of our life. For help in testing, identify 3 latest wins from any area of your life within

  • last week
  • last month
  • last year
  • last decade

For example, I’m significantly behind on my goals for 2022. There are many items on my list that I did not yet get to attend. Thinking of all this, I’ve been more than guilty for ruminating about the past and worrying about the future.

Yet today, as I looked at the numbers, I noticed that the revenue for the first six months are just a few thousand euros short from the revenue of whole last year. I’d call it progress. Something, I believe, is worth celebrating.

In light of this, the time used for ruminating and worrying is time wasted. And time is the only limited resource we really have. Let’s be considerate and mindful about how we use it.

I remember attending a webinar hosted by one of my coaches five-six years ago, in which she asked four questions that changed the course of my business. And my life, really.

I want to share these with you. And I want you to know, that the previous task of identifying the wins laid a perfect grounding by shifting our attention to notice also things that indeed are already working out. From this solid ground, it’s easier to move on with the following questions.

Take some uninterrupted time to answer each of the following question as thoroughly as you can. If possible, don’t read the next question before you’ve answered the previous one. Dig deep in your answers.

  1. Do you know what’s possible?
  2. What else is possible?
  3. Who do you need to be for that to happen?
  4. What do you need to have for that to happen?

I wrote my answers to these questions on paper. Both sides of an A4-sized paper for each question, to be exact. I still have the answers and I go back to them from time to time.

Even though I was in a completely different stage with my business back then, these answers still hold true today. And I learn something new, something more every time I read my old answers and take time to answer these questions again.

Tapping into internal guidance does not only take us far and beyond, it moves us from feeling overwhelmed to seeing the potential and feeling more confident.

If you want to dive deeper in connecting with your inner confidence and master the confident mindset in the hurdles of everyday life, check out my Confident Mindset online mini-course and say yes to life’s calling by clicking here

Much love,