Wow, what a week last week was! The days were fully packed. I was traveling, meeting a bunch of new people, speaking in front of a live audience, running late night webinars and not really being able to let it all sink in. Or to recover.
As an introverted person, I charge my batteries by being alone. I mean, I love being with people, but to recover and to recharge, I need alone time. Which was at minimum last week.
That’s why the weekend was dedicated to spend time with family only, going for walks as well as to retreating into bedroom (and under comfy blankets) to read a good book (yes, alone and yes, a physical book)! Even the weather supported my recovery plans, as the occasional summer showers pattered the window with raindrops so soothingly.
It’s such an important element to know yourself well enough to be aware of your need to recover. And to recognize what best helps you to recover.
An important lesson here is to learn to separate the act of recovery from the need to escape. Those are two very different things and lead to very different actions. And thus to very different results.
Sometimes, what seems like down time and recovery, is actually an attempt to escape the reality. Like the Netflix marathons, for example. And those attempts to escape rarely support the recovery.
I mean, how do you feel after a Netflix marathon? Tired? Grumpy? Unable to get out of the couch and move on to other things?
How do you feel after a walk in the nature? Relaxed? Energized? Serene?
There’s nothing wrong in escaping the reality from time to time, just notice why you have that need and commit to changing it with one small step at a time.
And then consider what actually helps you to feel energized and inspired and connect with that inner feeling of OKness. And add those moments in your schedule, too.
As I’ve noticed that I need alone time to recover and recharge, I now have a routine to calendar down time in my schedule. Especially after speaking gigs, seminars or other events, where I’m meeting a bunch of new people.
For example, whenever I’m returning from traveling for work, I schedule the next day so, that I don’t necessarily have to be in contact with anyone. Except my family, of course.
Now, the question is, what helps you to recover best?
Much love,
Ps. When you take care of yourself, you’re able to take care of others better, too.