What’s stopping me?

Last week my article about procrastination came out on Entrepreneur.com, and it has caused heaps of conversations about self sabotage and resistance. Especially in forms of overthinking and overanalyzing. 

Ever fallen to that pit?

You know you’re overthinking or overanalyzing, when everything suddenly seems complicated.

Reason two on my latest article, is especially handy in overcoming analysis paralysis. It’s not about knowing the whole way out of the problem, or towards the goal. It’s about seeing the next right step. And about saying yes to that next right step.

In order to say yes, we have to jump out of the auto-pilot, become aware of our own programming and make a conscious choice about how we’d like to response and go forward. 

This requires more than just willpower.

Did you know that willpower, the conscious thinking, is only responsible for 5% of everything we do?

95% is about subconscious. Meaning the things we’re not necessarily even aware of. According to research, our subconscious mind is programmed during the first seven years of our lives.

If you’re not where you’d like to be in life, it’s because of the self sabotage and resistance stemming from our old programmings, that we’ve picked up in our childhood. When we run on this childhood programming autopilot, we don’t necessarily even notice the opportunities under our own noses.

And that’s how we end up sending mixed messages to the universe – we say we want something, yet our actions are not in alignment. We let procrastination slow our way.


Because what we’ve learned about life before the age of seven, dictates how we succeed in life.
Until you become aware of such programming and change it. Here’s how.

Recognize where you struggle – The areas you struggle in life, that’s where the early childhood programming doesn’t support the ultimate goal you want to make happen. That’s where the gold is, as I always say to my clients. Notice what beliefs surface and run your mind in those moments of struggle.

Update into supportive beliefs – The beliefs that make you struggle need to be changed. Yet, this does not mean you have to convince yourself of something that’s not true. For example, if you have a belief that you can’t do something, instead of saying to yourself that you can do it, say that you are able to learn. That it’s possible to learn. And that you only need practice. The main point is, that you language the situation in your mind so, that it doesn’t create resistance.

Repeat, repeat, repeat –  Repetition creates new habits. By repeating, we reprogram our subconscious mind and learn. Therefore, by repeating the first two phases in the moments of struggle, we over time teach ourselves a new way of acting and behaving. And that’s when it becomes automatic. Something we don’t even notice. Only this time, it works for our best interest.

Much love,