Summer reads

Oh, what a sweet July it’s been in here! The month of July is usually the summer vacation month in Finland and we’ve certainly been taking time to rest, refresh and rejuvenate!

We’ve spent most of the waking hours outside and in the nature, picking cloudberries, playing games, taking naps in the hammock, sauna bathing, swimming, preparing good food by the grill and literally doing ‘chop wood, carry water’ kinda chores at our summer cottage as there’s no modern day luxuries other than electricity – no running water, no heating…

It’s easy to feel how the whole family’s recovery levels have gone through the roof! As my husband is more into gadgets, his Oura ring’s data also agrees 🙂

As many of you are also taking time off, I thought that it would be fun to gather you the most read newsletters here from the past year, so you can go back and revisit them, enjoying occasional inspiration during your rest, refresh and rejuvenation <3

The most read pieces are:

Also, another much read gem from the time when the newsletter was still called Fun&Fearless is about

Enjoy and take a good care of yourself!

Much love,

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