Go where you’re celebrated!

What a week last week was!

Our middle one turned 10, my first book was published and I committed to a new project with a new coach!

Last week we talked about connecting with our vision, laying the foundation for going back to basics. What I did not mention, which I should have done, is that going back to basics also allows you to work with your self worth, self-esteem and your right to claim your place in the world. If these are subjects you want to go deeper in, check out my Confident Mindset online mini-course.

There will be updates coming for the course this year, however, if you’d like to get started now, please do and through the life-time access, you’ll be able to enjoy the future updates as soon as they’re available (with no extra cost).

When you’re either starting your own business, or growing it into a new level, setting up and deepening the foundation and building structures upon that firm foundation develops character, develops wisdom and develops fearlessness.

That’s what I’m dedicated to currently.

In this day and age, where nothing is granted and uncertainty is all we have, I’m confidently strengthening the foundation and the systems and structures that I build upon it. Quite frankly, I’ve never been this eager to do business before.

As it’s clear to me how I want to work and what my business boundaries are, I’m now working on what one of my mentors call a mandatory client checklist.

This list basically sets you and all you work with up for a victory, because none of us is meant to work with every single person on the planet or to be all things to everyone. We are meant to serve a certain tribe, and to serve that tribe well.

Already back when I first started my business, I was excited about the idea that I can actually choose my clients. It took a while for me to develop the audacity to practice that idea, though. And now, seven years later, doing this list is opening that idea in a completely new level again.

When you have thought through a system of how you want to work, and what your business boundaries are, these structures will help you not only to safeguard you but also to serve your tribe (or your employer) better.

As part of these systems and structures, the client checklist helps you to make sure that as a well-meaning service-based professional you’re not trying to get your next client, or to please your boss, in desperation.

Desperation stems from fear and lack, and it only creates problems.

So, do make sure you know what your requirements are for the clients who want to work with you. Or for your workplace.

Some of these requirements of course come from clarity and joy, but some of them may come from a need to set a healthy boundary.

Either way, we need to take care of ourselves so that we can take care of many others, and that’s what the checklist enables you to do.

On Friday last week, as I was just about to leave home after a fun and productive planning day with a client company, I noticed a familiar face in the hotel lobby.

It was one of my early clients from years ago.

I’m pretty sure he recognized me, but as he turned his face away immediately, I decided to kept on going, while thinking to myself that what was the purpose of me bumping into him now, after all these years.

And then I remembered this wise advice I’ve been given so many times during my entrepreneurial career.

Go where you’re celebrated, not where you’re tolerated.

In this client’s company I was not celebrated, I was tolerated. Even though they reached their then best financial results after we’d been working six months together. I’m not saying this to blame them. I was the guilty one.

I was too afraid to walk away when I noticed that the mutual respect was not there. I thought that if I’d work hard enough, I’d gain their respect, just as I respected them. But you know just as well as I do, that that rarely works out well. That’s when the desperation usually comes in.

The contrast of that situation to what I had just experienced on Friday in the meeting with one of my now client companies, is dramatic and made me see how far I’ve come.

Today, I only work with people and companies with whom we mutually respect, appreciate and value each other. With whom we have mutual boundaries to protect each party and with whom we mutually honor the made agreements. My clients are willing to be honest with themselves, they are coachable and they are willing to try new ideas and actions. They consistently show up for themselves and drop the drama, even when it’s the hardest thing to do.

It’s not anymore a one-way street where I celebrate my clients, it’s a two-way street where we both celebrate each other and make great things happen for the benefit of a greater good. My clients are up to big things in the world.

It truly is true, this advice I’ve gotten, to go where you’re celebrated.

There’s a tribe that you’re meant to serve. And in that tribe, you’re not tolerated, you’re celebrated.

Much love,